Bodily needs: Ate and drank something.
Earned Sun Jun 2 04:30:18 2019
Geared: Equipped a firearm, a melee weapon and a backpack.
Act of mercy: Killed my first infected.
Earned Sun Jun 2 04:13:49 2019
Field cook: Cooked a steak on a stick.
I'm the firestarter: Ignited fire using a matchbox, a road flare and a hand drill.
Babyface: Shaved my face.
Natural instincts: Gutted a deer.
Marksman: Killed a survivor at more than three hundred meters.
Pacify: Killed an infected soldier.
Heal the world: Applied bandages on other survivors thirty times.
You have the right...: Handcuffed ten people.
Close and personal: Killed fifteen survivors with any melee weapon.
Lobotomy: Killed twenty survivors or infected with a head-shot.