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Dauntless PS4


Dauntless is a combat-heavy action RPG where you team up with friends to take on Behemoths, giant beasts threatening humanity’s survival in the Shattered Isles. Cooperating with your teammates to strategize the best approach to each encounter is core to the Dauntless multiplayer experience.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Phoenix Labs
Publisher: Phoenix Labs
  • 29 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 0 of 45
Behemoth Breaker
Adjustment pixel Behemoth Breaker: Defeat a Behemoth with Every Part Broken
Craft Services
Adjustment pixel Craft Services: Craft a Weapon from Behemoth Parts
Buy Low, Cell High
Adjustment pixel Buy Low, Cell High: Cook an Epic Cell with the Middleman
Can't Touch This
Adjustment pixel Can't Touch This: Complete 100 Perfect Dodges
Have an Ice Day
Adjustment pixel Have an Ice Day: Slay a Frostback Pangar
Darkness and Light
Adjustment pixel Darkness and Light: Defeat Shrowd and Rezakiri
Slayer Supreme
Adjustment pixel Slayer Supreme: Reach Player Level 40
All Decked Out
Adjustment pixel All Decked Out: Possess a +10 Sword, Axe, Hammer, Pike, and Chainblades
The Master
Adjustment pixel The Master: Complete any Mastery Card
The Slayer's Path: Trophies from The Slayer's Path
Light The Way
Adjustment pixel Light The Way: Unlock Milestone V on the Slayer's Path
Veteran Slayer
Adjustment pixel Veteran Slayer: Unlock Milestone XII on the Slayer's Path
Fortune & Glory: Trophies from the "Fortune & Glory" season
Make Your Marks
Adjustment pixel Make Your Marks: Emerge Victorious from a Trial
Perfectly Balanced
Adjustment pixel Perfectly Balanced: Build a Loadout with 6 Different +6 Perks
Aether Unbound: Trophies from the "Aether Unbound" season
Flaming Fists Of Fury
Adjustment pixel Flaming Fists Of Fury: Craft any Blaze Aether Strikers
One, Two, Kaboom
Adjustment pixel One, Two, Kaboom: Hit a Behemoth with Titan's Crash while Tempest Form and Karma Breaker Effects are Active
Fencing Practice
Adjustment pixel Fencing Practice: Defeat Tempestborne Stormclaw with a War Pike
Stormchasers: Trophies from the "Stormchasers" season
On The Up And Up
Adjustment pixel On The Up And Up: Complete an Escalation
A Legend In The Making
Adjustment pixel A Legend In The Making: Craft and Bond a Legendary Weapon
...And Stay Down!
Adjustment pixel ...And Stay Down!: Slay Malkarion with a Terra Weapon
Scorched Earth: Trophies from the "Scorched Earth" season
Forged In Flame
Adjustment pixel Forged In Flame: Craft a Weapon or Piece of Armour from Torgadoro Parts
I Can Do This All Day
Adjustment pixel I Can Do This All Day: Reach Level 25 in any Escalation
It Burns
Adjustment pixel It Burns: Slay Flameborn Rezakiri
Call of the Void: Trophies from the "Call of the Void" season
Who's Laughing Now?
Adjustment pixel Who's Laughing Now?: Slay Thrax with the Hammer, Sword, and Chain Blades
Adjustment pixel Chronicler: Make 25 Discoveries
Untamed Wilds: Trophies from the "Untamed Wilds" season
I Have The Antidote
Adjustment pixel I Have The Antidote: Slay a Sporestruck Charrogg and a Sporestruck Embermane with the Parasitic Perk Equipped
One Of A Kind
Adjustment pixel One Of A Kind: Craft an Exotic Weapon or Armour Piece
Mushroom Zap
Adjustment pixel Mushroom Zap: Slay Agarus with a Shock Weapon
Reforged: Trophies from the "Reforged" season
Begin Again
Adjustment pixel Begin Again: Reforge a Weapon Skill
Defender Of The Shattered Isles
Adjustment pixel Defender Of The Shattered Isles: Successfully Complete 10 Island Events in the Hunting Grounds
Next Level
Adjustment pixel Next Level: Equip a Full Set of Power Surged Gear
Realm of Ice: Trophies from the "Realm of Ice" season
King Of The Hill
Adjustment pixel King Of The Hill: Defeat Malkarion, Torgadoro, Thrax, Agarus, Urska, and The Chronovore
Scourge No More
Adjustment pixel Scourge No More: Slay Kaltauga, Scourge of the Skaldish Highlands
Take This For Just What It Is
Adjustment pixel Take This For Just What It Is: Discover a Rumour in the Shattered Isles
Infinite Radiance: Trophies from the "Infinite Radiance" season
The Pointy End
Adjustment pixel The Pointy End: Wound an Umbral Behemoth with a Radiant War Pike
Timeless Fashion
Adjustment pixel Timeless Fashion: Craft a Piece of Timeweave Armour
Out Of Time
Adjustment pixel Out Of Time: Defeat The Chronovore
Heroes of Ostia: Trophies from the "Heroes of Ostia" season
Adjustment pixel Omnipowerful: Craft and Equip an Omnicell
Hero Of Ostia
Adjustment pixel Hero Of Ostia: Complete a Heroic Escalation
A Legendary Foe
Adjustment pixel A Legendary Foe: Slay Thunderdeep Drask
Ostigaard Justice: Trophies from the "Ostigaard Justice" season
Ready, Whatever The Weather
Adjustment pixel Ready, Whatever The Weather: Craft Repeaters of Every Element
Test Your Mettle
Adjustment pixel Test Your Mettle: Slay Five Behemoths on The Blazeworks
Faced The Forge
Adjustment pixel Faced The Forge: Defeat Phaelanx
Call to Arms: Trophies from the "Call to Arms" season
What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger
Adjustment pixel What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger: Do 100,000 Total Damage with the Revenant Omnicell
A Week Well Spent
Adjustment pixel A Week Well Spent: Complete 4 Weekly Seasonal Challenges
The Darkest Timeline
Adjustment pixel The Darkest Timeline: Slay Bloodshot Shrowd
82 players