Indicator GIF
Dangan Ronpa 1-2 Reload PS4

Dangan Ronpa 1-2 Reload

Dangan Ronpa 1-2 Reload is a combination of the first and second game for release on the PS Vita, along with new features.
  • US March 17, 2017
  • EU March 17, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Chunsoft
Publisher: Chunsoft
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 16 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 45
Despair's Last Reward
Adjustment pixel Despair's Last Reward: Earned every other trophy in the game
From Zero to Hero
Adjustment pixel From Zero to Hero: Finished the Prologue
One Is the Loneliest Number
Adjustment pixel One Is the Loneliest Number: Finished Chapter 1
Two of a Kind
Adjustment pixel Two of a Kind: Finished Chapter 2
Three's a Crowd
Adjustment pixel Three's a Crowd: Finished Chapter 3
Four by Gore
Adjustment pixel Four by Gore: Finished Chapter 4
Five Alive
Adjustment pixel Five Alive: Finished Chapter 5
All's Well That Ends...Umm...
Adjustment pixel All's Well That Ends...Umm...: Finished every chapter
Mr. Know-It-All
Adjustment pixel Mr. Know-It-All: Filled in every page of every character's Report Card
Nine Coins, Nine Purses, Nine Bears
Adjustment pixel Nine Coins, Nine Purses, Nine Bears: Collected 999 Monocoins
Seriously, You Shouldn't Have
Adjustment pixel Seriously, You Shouldn't Have: Collected every possible present
School's Out For Summer
Adjustment pixel School's Out For Summer: Cleared School Mode once
School's Out Forever
Adjustment pixel School's Out Forever: Saw every possible School Mode ending
Skill or Be Skilled
Adjustment pixel Skill or Be Skilled: Cleared the 20 SP threshold
Ghostface Skillah
Adjustment pixel Ghostface Skillah: Cleared the 30 SP threshold
You Must Acquit
Adjustment pixel You Must Acquit: Cleared a class trial without taking any damage
What's a Mistrial?
Adjustment pixel What's a Mistrial?: Cleared a class trial without having to retry a single time
Tuned to a Dead Channel
Adjustment pixel Tuned to a Dead Channel: Destroyed 500 white noise lines across all class trials
Not From Concentrate
Adjustment pixel Not From Concentrate: Cleared a class trial without using your Concentration skill a single time
Murderous Marooning
Adjustment pixel Murderous Marooning: Finished the prologue
Dead Man's Party
Adjustment pixel Dead Man's Party: Finished Chapter 1
Death, Lies, and Video Games
Adjustment pixel Death, Lies, and Video Games: Finished Chapter 2
Is It Medicine or Social Skill?
Adjustment pixel Is It Medicine or Social Skill?: Finished Chapter 3
Bred for Destruction
Adjustment pixel Bred for Destruction: Finished Chapter 4
Abandon All Hope
Adjustment pixel Abandon All Hope: Finished Chapter 5
Goodbye Academy of Despair
Adjustment pixel Goodbye Academy of Despair: Finished every chapter
Mr. Congeniality
Adjustment pixel Mr. Congeniality: Filled in every page of every character's Report Card
The 1 Percent
Adjustment pixel The 1 Percent: Collected 999 Monocoins
For the Hoard
Adjustment pixel For the Hoard: Collected every possible present
I Should Start a Circus
Adjustment pixel I Should Start a Circus: Found every Hidden Monokuma
Gotta Raise 'Em All!
Adjustment pixel Gotta Raise 'Em All!: Fully raised every type of pet
I Wanna Soak Up Some Sun
Adjustment pixel I Wanna Soak Up Some Sun: Cleared Island Mode once
Life's a Real Beach
Adjustment pixel Life's a Real Beach: Saw every possible Island Mode ending
Halfway There!
Adjustment pixel Halfway There!: Hajime Hinata breaks through level 50
Capped Out!
Adjustment pixel Capped Out!: Hajime Hinata breaks through level 99
Out for a Stroll
Adjustment pixel Out for a Stroll: Break through 1000 total number of steps
Walking the Walk
Adjustment pixel Walking the Walk: Break through 5000 total number of steps
Nice Calves
Adjustment pixel Nice Calves: Break through 10,000 total number of steps
A Magical Ending
Adjustment pixel A Magical Ending: Cleared all stages of Magical Miracle Girl Monomi
Monomi Won't Miss These, Right?
Adjustment pixel Monomi Won't Miss These, Right?: Collected every possible item in Magical Miracle Girl Monomi
What a Novel idea
Adjustment pixel What a Novel idea: Finished reading Danganronpa IF
Any Objections?
Adjustment pixel Any Objections?: Cleared a class trial without taking any damage
Case Closed
Adjustment pixel Case Closed: Cleared a class trial without having to retry once
The Airborne Static Event
Adjustment pixel The Airborne Static Event: Destroyed 500 white noise lines across all class trials
I'm Sorry, What Were You Saying?
Adjustment pixel I'm Sorry, What Were You Saying?: Cleared a class trial without using your Concentration skill once
35 players