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Crypt of the NecroDancer Vita Vita

Crypt of the NecroDancer Vita

Crypt of the NecroDancer is a hardcore rhythm-based roguelike game. Can you survive this deadly dungeon of dance, slay the NecroDancer, and recapture your still beating heart? Or will you be a slave to the rhythm for all eternity? Players must move on the beat to navigate procedurally generated dungeons while battling dancing skeletons, zombies, dragons, and more! Groove with the game's epic dance soundtrack, or selectmore
  • US February 2, 2016
  • EU February 2, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Brace Yourself Games
Publisher: Brace Yourself Games
  • 29 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 42
Adjustment pixel NecroMaster!!: Unlock all trophies
In The Zone (1)
Adjustment pixel In The Zone (1): Complete zone 1 with solo Cadence!
In The Zone (2)
Adjustment pixel In The Zone (2): Complete zone 2 with solo Cadence!
In The Zone (3)
Adjustment pixel In The Zone (3): Complete zone 3 with solo Cadence!
Adjustment pixel Merchanticide: Kill the shopkeeper
Adjustment pixel Heartthrob: Have 10 heart containers at the same time
In The Zone (4)
Adjustment pixel In The Zone (4): Complete zone 4 with solo Cadence!
So Hardcore!
Adjustment pixel So Hardcore!: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence
Friendly Fire
Adjustment pixel Friendly Fire: Use a red dragon's fireball to kill another miniboss
A Beatless Beatdown
Adjustment pixel A Beatless Beatdown: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bard
Carpe Diem
Adjustment pixel Carpe Diem: Complete a Daily Challenge
Lute that Loot
Adjustment pixel Lute that Loot: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Melody
I love gooooooold!
Adjustment pixel I love gooooooold!: Have 6000 coins in a single run
Speed Demon
Adjustment pixel Speed Demon: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence in under 15 minutes
Bombs Away!
Adjustment pixel Bombs Away!: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Eli
Two Can Tango!
Adjustment pixel Two Can Tango!: Complete "All Zones Mode" while playing Co-op
Peace Out
Adjustment pixel Peace Out: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dove
Mostly Harmless
Adjustment pixel Mostly Harmless: Get killed by a green slime
Vow down!
Adjustment pixel Vow down!: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Monk
Bat Trick
Adjustment pixel Bat Trick: Kill three green bats
Adjustment pixel 8Ball: Kill 8 enemies with a single bomb
Leaps and Bounds
Adjustment pixel Leaps and Bounds: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dorian
You Don't Miss a Beat, Do You?
Adjustment pixel You Don't Miss a Beat, Do You?: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria
Adjustment pixel Tachycardia: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bolt
Flawless Victory!
Adjustment pixel Flawless Victory!: Aria Low%. Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.)
Adjustment pixel Polyamorous: Complete an "All Chars" run
Adjustment pixel Undeadly: Get 10 wins in a row in Cadence "Deathless Mode"
Impossible, Right?
Adjustment pixel Impossible, Right?: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Coda
Lowest of the Low
Adjustment pixel Lowest of the Low: "All Chars" low%. Complete an "All Chars" run without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.)
Amplified DLC
Bat to the Bone
Adjustment pixel Bat to the Bone: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Nocturna
In The Zone (5)
Adjustment pixel In The Zone (5): Complete zone 5!
No I Won't Back Down
Adjustment pixel No I Won't Back Down: Complete "No Return Mode" with solo Cadence
Hard Act to Follow
Adjustment pixel Hard Act to Follow: Complete "Hard Mode" with solo Nocturna
A Haunting Performance
Adjustment pixel A Haunting Performance: Complete "Phasing Mode" with any character
Mix Master
Adjustment pixel Mix Master: Complete "Randomizer Mode" with any character
What Just Happened?
Adjustment pixel What Just Happened?: Complete "Mystery Mode" with any character
Mode Master
Adjustment pixel Mode Master: Complete "Story Mode", "Hard Mode", "Phasing Mode", "No Return Mode", "Randomizer Mode", and "Mystery Mode" with any character
Storybook Ending
Adjustment pixel Storybook Ending: Complete "Story Mode"
Like a Bat Out of Hell
Adjustment pixel Like a Bat Out of Hell: Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Nocturna in under 15 minutes
Golden Loot
Adjustment pixel Golden Loot: Have 8000 coins in a single run with solo Nocturna
Adjustment pixel ElecTrick: Kill 8 enemies at once with electricity
Very Polyamorous
Adjustment pixel Very Polyamorous: Complete an "All chars (including DLC)" run
51 players