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Crypt Custodian PS5

Crypt Custodian

Crypt Custodian is a charming metroidvania about cleaning up the afterlife. Play as Pluto - a mischievous cat who has died, and is sentenced to be the afterworld's janitor... FOREVER! Hang out with other doomed ghosts, battle beasts, and explore a vastly expansive landscape.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Kyle Thompson
Publisher: Top Hat Studios
  • 38 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 49
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Unlock all other trophies
Very Bad Cat
Adjustment pixel Very Bad Cat: Get banished from the Palace
Pot Full of Spiders
Adjustment pixel Pot Full of Spiders: Defeat the Pot Full of Spiders
A Plan Forms...
Adjustment pixel A Plan Forms...: Meet Grizz
Right Back at Ya
Adjustment pixel Right Back at Ya: Unlock the broom-erang
Sticky Business
Adjustment pixel Sticky Business: Defeat the Gunk Goliath
Split Vision
Adjustment pixel Split Vision: Unlock the Spirit Split
Top of the Tower
Adjustment pixel Top of the Tower: Unlock Broom-Dash
Creature Feature
Adjustment pixel Creature Feature: Watch the entirety of GHOST SLAUGHTER 3
Bug Catcher
Adjustment pixel Bug Catcher: Catch the Gigantic Stormbeetle
Over the Edge
Adjustment pixel Over the Edge: Defeat the Moon Man
Strange Shopkeeper
Adjustment pixel Strange Shopkeeper: Defeat the Imposter
Risky Ride
Adjustment pixel Risky Ride: Defeat the Rail Rider
The Band's Back Together
Adjustment pixel The Band's Back Together: Find out where Skully went
Rainy Days
Adjustment pixel Rainy Days: Defeat Grief
Crumbling Towers
Adjustment pixel Crumbling Towers: Defeat Kendra
Sealed Shut
Adjustment pixel Sealed Shut: Enter the Vault
Very Important Pluto
Adjustment pixel Very Important Pluto: Enter the V.I.P. room
First Point
Adjustment pixel First Point: Gain your first upgrade point
Ten Points
Adjustment pixel Ten Points: Collect 10 upgrade points
Twenty-Five Points
Adjustment pixel Twenty-Five Points: Collect 25 upgrade points
Fifty Points
Adjustment pixel Fifty Points: Collect 50 upgrade points
Trapped Spirit
Adjustment pixel Trapped Spirit: Release a trapped spirit
A Small Haunt
Adjustment pixel A Small Haunt: Release 5 trapped spirits
Halfway There
Adjustment pixel Halfway There: Release 10 trapped spirits
Gangs All Back Together
Adjustment pixel Gangs All Back Together: Release all 20 trapped spirits
Adjustment pixel Unscathed: Defeat a boss without taking damage
Hexed Hero
Adjustment pixel Hexed Hero: Break a curse
Curse Crusher
Adjustment pixel Curse Crusher: Break every curse
Heavy Hitter
Adjustment pixel Heavy Hitter: Use your special attack 100 times
Ready for Battle
Adjustment pixel Ready for Battle: Equip a special attack
Tiny and Tidy
Adjustment pixel Tiny and Tidy: Defeat 100 enemies
Broom Basher
Adjustment pixel Broom Basher: Defeat 500 enemies
Mess Master
Adjustment pixel Mess Master: Defeat 1000 enemies
Pebble's Memory
Adjustment pixel Pebble's Memory: Collect all of Pebble's pictures
Grizz's Memory
Adjustment pixel Grizz's Memory: Collect all of Grizz's pictures
Mira's Memory
Adjustment pixel Mira's Memory: Collect all of Mira's pictures
Crouton's Memory
Adjustment pixel Crouton's Memory: Collect all of Crouton's pictures
Dagoberg's Memory
Adjustment pixel Dagoberg's Memory: Collect all of Dagoberg's pictures
The Little Guys' Memory
Adjustment pixel The Little Guys' Memory: Collect all of the little guys' pictures
Wailer's Memory
Adjustment pixel Wailer's Memory: Collect all of Wailer's pictures
Roy's Memory
Adjustment pixel Roy's Memory: Collect all of Roy's pictures
Rusty's Memory
Adjustment pixel Rusty's Memory: Collect all of Rusty's pictures
Skully's Memory
Adjustment pixel Skully's Memory: Collect all of Skully's pictures
Kendra's Memory
Adjustment pixel Kendra's Memory: Collect all of Kendra's pictures
Stocked Up
Adjustment pixel Stocked Up: Reach 100% completion
Perfect Battle
Adjustment pixel Perfect Battle: Achieve an S+ rank in boss rush mode
Solid Sweeper
Adjustment pixel Solid Sweeper: Achieve 10 S+ ranks in boss rush mode
Adjustment pixel Undefeated: Achieve an S+ rank in every boss at every difficulty in boss rush mode
5 players