FIRST MISSION: Play an Objectives mission online for the first time.
Earned Sat Aug 29 14:32:20 2009
PROBIE COMMANDO: Reach commando level 5.
MISSION HANDLER: Host games with a combined session playtime of 1 hour.
DEMOLITION EXPERT: Destroy 20 control panels.
HACKER: Upload 20 blocks of data.
WEAPONS 101: Get 20 kills with each of the six primary weapons.
GLOBE TROTTER: Play a complete game on every map online.
ELITE COMMANDO: Reach commando level 15.
BOOT CAMP BEAST: Complete all Grunt and Jarhead Boot Camp missions with a Commando Medal score.
CRASH AND CONQUER: Win 20 online games.
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: Have all three survival bonuses activated at the same time in an online game 10 times.
CRASH COMMANDO: Reach commando level 25.
BIG BLUNT OBJECT: Kill 100 human opponents by running over them using a vehicle. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
PLASTIC PUNISH: Destroy 50 vehicles detonating an attached C4 explosive. The vehicle has to be occupied by an enemy to be counted! You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
MR SWEEPER: Destroy 20 enemy mines in the same round using the CAB primary weapon. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
UNSUNG HERO: Restore a total of 3000 health points by using the CAB on hurt team mates. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
ROBBER: Kill a total of 50 opponents while they are carrying cash in the Heist game mode. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
BREAD WINNER: Deposit a total of 20 bags of cash in the safe in the Heist game mode. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
TANK SPANKER: Destroy 20 tanks while driving a rail buggy. The tank has to be occupied by an enemy to be counted! You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
MULTIKILL MADNESS: Score a multikill combo (X4) against human players using the explosives, the primary weapon and the death spin in the same combo! You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
MASTER SPINNER: Destroy 3 vehicles using the death spin without dying. Stay alive for 3 seconds after a successful vehicle kill for it to count. The vehicle also has to be occupied by an enemy! You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.
SHOOT'EM UP: Score a multikill combo (X4) while using the stationary gun. You need the Heist Map Pack to unlock it.