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Chariot PS3


Chariot is a humoristic physics-based couch co-op platformer in which a brave princess and her suitor carry a funeral wagon through ancient caves, fending-off swarms of looters while amassing riches, to bury the King's remains in a worthy gold-filled tomb. If only that dead King would keep quiet...

The Chariot’s large wheels and long tethers allow the heroes to reach higher ground, swing across chasms and perform all
  • US May 5, 2015
  • EU May 6, 2015
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Frima Studios
Publisher: Frima Studios
  • 14 Trophy bronze icon
  • 19 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 37
One Last Ride
Adjustment pixel One Last Ride: Obtain all other trophies.
A Walk in the Park
Adjustment pixel A Walk in the Park: Find the Verdant Burrows sepulcher.
Ride Towards the Light
Adjustment pixel Ride Towards the Light: Find the Luminous Abyss sepulcher.
Have an Ice Day
Adjustment pixel Have an Ice Day: Find the Crystal Chasm sepulcher.
Going Down
Adjustment pixel Going Down: Find the Obsidian Pits sepulcher.
Just Deserts
Adjustment pixel Just Deserts: Find the Sandstone Ruins sepulcher.
Breaker of Dreams
Adjustment pixel Breaker of Dreams: Find the hidden level.
Wrong Way
Adjustment pixel Wrong Way: Find a different entrance than the one you came in through.
A Ropeless Situation
Adjustment pixel A Ropeless Situation: Reach any exit of Woodland Vestibule without using the rope.
Quiet, Your Majesty
Adjustment pixel Quiet, Your Majesty: Reach any exit of the Hive without alerting any looters.
Never Not Sliding
Adjustment pixel Never Not Sliding: Reach any exit of the Crystal Castle without winding the rope or locking.
No Second Chances
Adjustment pixel No Second Chances: Reach any exit of Molten River without respawning.
Adjustment pixel Unbreakable: Reach the exit of the hidden level with no gadget equipped.
Might Come In Handy
Adjustment pixel Might Come In Handy: Unlock a gadget.
Fully Equipped
Adjustment pixel Fully Equipped: Unlock all gadgets.
Master Craftsman
Adjustment pixel Master Craftsman: Fully upgrade a gadget.
First-Class Ride
Adjustment pixel First-Class Ride: Fully upgrade the Chariot.
Deceased Parcel Service
Adjustment pixel Deceased Parcel Service: Deliver a Chariot blueprint crate to its destination.
Royal Delivery
Adjustment pixel Royal Delivery: Deliver all Chariot blueprint crates to their destination.
Adjustment pixel Spelunker: Completely reveal the map of a level.
Royal Cartographer
Adjustment pixel Royal Cartographer: Completely reveal the map of all levels.
Off the Beaten Path
Adjustment pixel Off the Beaten Path: Find an alternate exit.
Adjustment pixel Pathfinder: Find all alternate exits.
Strange Souvenirs
Adjustment pixel Strange Souvenirs: Find all three skulls in any level.
Family Reunion
Adjustment pixel Family Reunion: Find all three skulls in every level.
Rookie Charioteer
Adjustment pixel Rookie Charioteer: Obtain a bronze medal or better in a speed run.
Seasoned Charioteer
Adjustment pixel Seasoned Charioteer: Obtain a bronze medal or better in every speed run.
Rising Star
Adjustment pixel Rising Star: Obtain a gold medal in a speed run.
Greased Lightning
Adjustment pixel Greased Lightning: Obtain a gold medal in every speed run.
Adjustment pixel Tool-Unassisted: Obtain a gold medal in a speed run with no gadget equipped.
Air to the Throne
Adjustment pixel Air to the Throne: Get 12 seconds of air time with the Chariot.
Adjustment pixel Spendthrift: Spend 500,000 loot.
The Royal Whee
Adjustment pixel The Royal Whee: Reach maximum speed with the Chariot.
Adjustment pixel Looterpedia: Encounter a looter of each type.
Only the Lonely
Adjustment pixel Only the Lonely: Locate and obtain the largest type of blue jewel without a second player.
Adjustment pixel Honeymoon: Play a level from beginning to end with a second player.
Rest in Peace Already
Adjustment pixel Rest in Peace Already: Reach 100% completion.
35 players