Federated: Earn all available Trophies for Call of Duty® Ghosts
Ghost Stories: Escape. (Complete "Ghost Stories" on any difficulty.)
Earned Fri Jan 10 09:08:05 2014
Spatial Awareness: Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty® Ghosts campaign.
Earned Fri Jan 10 09:01:02 2014
Brave New World: Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete "Brave New World" on any difficulty.)
Earned Thu Jan 16 18:20:01 2014
Liberty Wall: Take down both attack helicopters.
Earned Thu Jan 16 18:16:43 2014
No Man's Land: Make it to San Diego. (Complete "No Man's Land" on any difficulty.)
Earned Thu Jan 16 18:38:12 2014
Blimey O'Riley: Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley
Earned Fri May 16 16:28:23 2014
Struck Down: Find Ajax. (Complete "Struck Down" on any difficulty.)
Earned Thu Jan 16 18:55:51 2014
Waste not: Every shot with the remote sniper hits a person or vehicle.
Homecoming: Defend LA. (Complete "Homecoming" on any difficulty.)
Earned Thu Jan 16 19:15:52 2014
Go Ugly Early: A-10 strafe 50 enemies
Earned Thu Jan 16 19:10:58 2014
Legends Never Die: Hunt down Almagro. (Complete "Legends Never Die" on any difficulty.)
Earned Sat Jan 25 10:55:17 2014
It Came from Below!: Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in "Legends Never Die".
Earned Sat Jan 25 10:50:27 2014
Federation Day: Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete "Federation Day" on any difficulty.)
Earned Sat Jan 25 11:17:44 2014
Sleeping Beauty: Kill the sleeping guy in face down rappel section
Carbon Faceprint: Catch Photocopier with your face
Earned Sat Jan 25 11:08:18 2014
Birds of Prey: Capture Rorke (Complete "Birds of Prey" on any difficulty.)
Earned Wed Feb 5 14:26:39 2014
Burn Baby Burn: Destroy 80 Fuel containers.
The Hunted: Make it out alive (Complete "The Hunted" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 11:46:07 2014
Jungle Ghosts: Finish the mission without breaking stealth.
Clockwork: Hack the system (Complete "Clockwork" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 12:07:12 2014
Deep Freeze: Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes.
Earned Mon Apr 28 12:05:55 2014
Atlas Falls: Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete "Atlas Falls" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 12:26:00 2014
Grindin': Completing the console section on first attempt.
Earned Mon Apr 28 12:24:30 2014
Piece of cake: Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on veteran.
Into The Deep: Destroy the enemy ship (Complete "Into The Deep" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 13:14:41 2014
David & Goliath: Take down the LCS on the first go.
Earned Mon Apr 28 12:36:04 2014
End of the Line: Storm the factory (Complete "End of the Line" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 13:40:33 2014
Cog in the machine: Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone.
Earned Mon Apr 28 13:18:19 2014
Sin City: Plan your next move (Complete "Sin City" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:06:22 2014
Jack-pot: Destroy 21 slot machines.
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:01:32 2014
All or Nothing: Gather the troops (Complete "All or Nothing" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:18:56 2014
End of your rope: Cut a grappling hook rope with enemy on it.
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:14:09 2014
Severed Ties: Destroy the Federation's satellite array (Complete "Severed Ties" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:44:06 2014
Fly-by-wire: Take out helicopters with remote missile 3/3.
LOKI: Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete "Loki" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 14:59:21 2014
They look like ants: Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods.
The Ghost Killer: Confront Rorke (Complete "The Ghost Killer" on any difficulty.)
Earned Mon Apr 28 15:15:03 2014
Tickets please: Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train.
Audiophile: Collect all 18 Rorke files.
No Man Left: Escape with all four players.
Sprinter: Reach the exfil chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock.
Made it Out Alive: Escape 1st time.
Completionist: Complete all challenges and escape.
Cabin Fever: Made it to the cabin.
City Dweller: Made it to the city.
Earned Sat Apr 26 12:07:50 2014
Any Means necessary: Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game.
Trash Picker: Scavenge 40 items in a single game.
Throttled Escape: Escape using a relic.
Safeguard: Complete round 20 in safeguard.
You've earned it: Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran.
Call of Duty® Ghosts Onslaught |
Pushing Ahead: Gain access to the Compound area in Nightfall.
Weapon Facility: Gain access to the Facility in Nightfall.
Survived Nightfall: Kill the Breeder for the first time in Nightfall.
Speed Slayer: Kill the Breeder in less than 5 minutes in Nightfall.
Turnabout is Fair Play: Kill 50 Cryptids with the Venom-X weapon in Nightfall.
Nightfall Completionist: Complete all challenges and kill the Breeder in Nightfall.
Throttled Survival: Kill the Breeder while using a Relic in Nightfall.
Phantom Exterminator: Kill 5 Phantoms in one game.
Pea Shooter: Kill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall.
Undiscovered Truths: Find all the intel hidden in Nightfall.
Egg-stra XP!: Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Onslaught DLC package.
Call of Duty® Ghosts Devastation |
The Belly of the Beast: Reach the cargo area in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Come Up For Air: Reach the top deck in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Survived Mayday: Kill the Kraken for the first time in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Upping the Ante: Kill the Kraken using a Relic in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Mayday Completionist: Complete all Challenges and kill the Kraken in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Inquisitive Mind: Find all of the Intel in Mayday.
Deforestation: Kill 15 Seeder Turrets in one game in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Big Game Trapper: Use a hypno trap to turn a Rhino friendly in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Egg-stra Devastation!: Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Devastation DLC package.
The Architect: Successfully build all of the Schematics in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Call of Duty® Ghosts Invasion |
Targets Acquired: Get past the first gate in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty
A Bridge To Somewhere: Extend the bridge in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Escaped Awakening: Escape Awakening for the first time in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Twice The Fun: Escape Awakening using two Relics in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Awakening Completionist: Complete all Challenges and escape Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Spelunker: Find all of the Intel in Awakening.
Dog Fight: Kill a Gargoyle with the Vanguard in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Egg-stra Awakening!: Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then scan an obelisk in the Invasion DLC package.
Like A Glove: Kill 5 cryptids with the Ark attachment equipped to every compatible weapon in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Well Rounded: Escape Awakening with each of the four classes in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Call of Duty® Ghosts Nemesis |
Mass Exodus: Complete the final Ancestor encounter in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Unstoppable: Complete the final Ancestor with at least 1 relic in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Nemesis Completionist: Complete every challenge and the final Ancestor encounter in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
The Final Chapter: Find all 7 story related intel files in Exodus.
Postmaster: Complete any outpost by activating all of the generators in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Eggstra Nemesis!: Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then activate a generator in the Nemesis DLC package.
Timing is Everything: Kill the final 3 Ancestors within 10 seconds of killing the first Ancestor in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
You Wish: Hit an Ancestor with a Hypno Knife in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.
Always Hard: Kill the final Ancestor with a relic active in Hardcore difficulty.
Hat Trick: Kill 3 aliens with a single shot from the NX-1 Disruptor in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.