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Bound by Flame PS4

Bound by Flame

In the action/RPG for PS4 Bound by Flame, you are a mercenary possessed by a flame demon in an ambitious Dark Fantasy universe. As a victim of this demonic influence, players will have to choose between the powers offered by this evil or rejection of the demonic influence in order to develop heroic talents instead. Dangers, and enemies becoming more terrifying and fearsome in battle, will be temptations to acquire moremore
  • US May 6, 2014
  • EU May 7, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Spiders Studio
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
  • 29 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 20 of 42
Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Trophy: Win all of the trophies in Bound by Flame
Adjustment pixel Beasted: Vanquish a Juggernaut
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 12:04:37 2014
General demoted
Adjustment pixel General demoted: Vanquish a Deadwalker General.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 01:41:57 2014
Farewell my Concubine
Adjustment pixel Farewell my Concubine: Vanquish a Concubine
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 13:53:35 2014
...the harder they fall
Adjustment pixel ...the harder they fall: Vanquish Lord Blackfrost
The one and only Lord
Adjustment pixel The one and only Lord: Become the most powerful being on Vertiel
Purifying fire
Adjustment pixel Purifying fire: Purify Vertiel by bathing it in flame
Adjustment pixel Sacrifice: Use the energy of the Worldheart to annihilate the Ice lords and save Vertiel
Unleash the Beast
Adjustment pixel Unleash the Beast: Accomplish your transformation by following the demon's way
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 21:57:09 2014
Adjustment pixel Humanist: Preserve your humanity
Adjustment pixel Mercenary: Accomplish 20 side quests
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 13:16:32 2014
Ice breaker
Adjustment pixel Ice breaker: Seduce Edwen
Romance with pointy ears
Adjustment pixel Romance with pointy ears: Seduce Rhelmar
Erudite love
Adjustment pixel Erudite love: Seduce Sybil
Adjustment pixel Chivalrandy: Seduce Randval
Adjustment pixel Patron: Accomplish all of Sybil's personal quests
A fulfilled elf
Adjustment pixel A fulfilled elf: Accomplish all of Rhelmar's personal quests
Without fear, without reproach
Adjustment pixel Without fear, without reproach: Accomplish all of Randval's personal quests
At the lady's service
Adjustment pixel At the lady's service: Accomplish all of Edwen's personal quests
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 21:50:41 2014
Adjustment pixel Hawk: Complete Bound by Flame in the Hawk difficulty mode
Adjustment pixel Buffalo: Complete Bound by Flame in the Buffalo difficulty mode
Adjustment pixel Captain: Complete Bound by Flame in the Captain difficulty mode
Just a warm-up
Adjustment pixel Just a warm-up: Vanquish 25 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 11:42:29 2014
Just a warning
Adjustment pixel Just a warning: Vanquish 75 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 16:10:36 2014
Just a slaughter
Adjustment pixel Just a slaughter: Vanquish 150 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 20:44:23 2014
Shot your bolt
Adjustment pixel Shot your bolt: Fire 50 crossbow bolts
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 13:39:18 2014
Bloody hell
Adjustment pixel Bloody hell: Kill 50 enemies with daggers
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 16:10:11 2014
Quite a hammering
Adjustment pixel Quite a hammering: Kill 50 enemies with a warhammer
Sword it out
Adjustment pixel Sword it out: Kill 50 enemies with a sword
Psycho killer
Adjustment pixel Psycho killer: Kill 50 enemies with an axe
It's a trap!
Adjustment pixel It's a trap!: Set 20 traps and have them sprung
I'm on fire
Adjustment pixel I'm on fire: Set your enemies aflame 50 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 10:24:23 2014
First come, first served
Adjustment pixel First come, first served: Loot 20 chests
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 16:20:31 2014
And I don't throw things away
Adjustment pixel And I don't throw things away: Recycle 30 objects
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 14:37:38 2014
Adjustment pixel Craftsmanship: Make 100 objects (potions, booby-traps and munitions)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 22:03:24 2014
Adjustment pixel Blacksmith: Make 5 improvements to your weapons and armour
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 18:26:19 2014
Adjustment pixel Vulture: Search 50 fallen enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 20:22:21 2014
Adjustment pixel Chrysalid: Poison your enemies 50 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 20:24:42 2014
First steps
Adjustment pixel First steps: Upgrade a skill
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 6 11:44:40 2014
Master at arms
Adjustment pixel Master at arms: Unlock all the the Warrior skills and their upgrades
Master Ranger
Adjustment pixel Master Ranger: Unlock all of the skills of a Ranger and their upgrades
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 7 12:02:22 2014
Adjustment pixel Firestarter: Unlock all the Pyromancer specialization skills and their upgrades
87 players