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Blazing Chrome PS4

Blazing Chrome

The world is under the machines domination, militant AI-fueled computers rule the Earth while humans are expendable, lacking power, prestige or status among their machine overlords.
  • US July 11, 2019
  • EU July 11, 2019
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: JoyMasher
Publisher: The Arcade Crew
  • 25 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 33 of 40
Blazing Platinum
Adjustment pixel Blazing Platinum: Obtain all trophies.
Mission I
Adjustment pixel Mission I: Complete Mission I.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Apr 1 11:23:30 2021
Mission II
Adjustment pixel Mission II: Complete Mission II.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 16:26:02 2021
Mission III
Adjustment pixel Mission III: Complete Mission III.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 16:46:50 2021
Mission IV
Adjustment pixel Mission IV: Complete Mission IV.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:07:09 2021
Mission V
Adjustment pixel Mission V: Complete Mission V.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:19:35 2021
Mission VI
Adjustment pixel Mission VI: Complete Mission VI.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:25:49 2021
Perfect Soldier
Adjustment pixel Perfect Soldier: Complete any mission without dying.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 16:12:57 2021
Detonation Expert
Adjustment pixel Detonation Expert: Destroy 3 enemies at once using an explosive barrel.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 19:39:40 2021
Adjustment pixel Grenadier: Destroy 4 enemies at once using the grenade launcher.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 19:49:42 2021
Adjustment pixel Hookshot: Use the energy whip to collect an item.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Apr 1 11:19:38 2021
Adjustment pixel Sniper: Destroy 4 enemies using a single particle beam shot.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 19:44:41 2021
Adjustment pixel Eradicator: Destroy 6 enemies in a row using the charged particle beam.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 19:42:05 2021
Taking a ride
Adjustment pixel Taking a ride: Hang on the Gunship during Mission 1-3.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 17:57:27 2021
Brawler Expert
Adjustment pixel Brawler Expert: Finish any boss off using the melee attack.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Apr 1 11:23:20 2021
Adjustment pixel Exterminator: Kill the Spider Queen in less than 20 seconds.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 16:37:25 2021
Finish Him
Adjustment pixel Finish Him: Use the melee attack to finish off Commander Zet.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 18:02:57 2021
Adjustment pixel Baseball: Use the melee attack to deflect missile and grenades from enemies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:20:46 2021
Maximum Firepower
Adjustment pixel Maximum Firepower: Get all the weapon upgrades on the 3D Tunnel Stage.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:04:45 2021
Nothing Left
Adjustment pixel Nothing Left: Destroy the legs from the Gorilla Boss after defeating him.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:21:04 2021
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Find the hidden 1UP on Mission 6.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:21:21 2021
Go Ninja Go
Adjustment pixel Go Ninja Go: Complete the game using any melee character.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 18:14:21 2021
Adjustment pixel Doppelganger: Destroy your holographic clone on the final boss.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:24:06 2021
Chrome Lord
Adjustment pixel Chrome Lord: Complete the Boss Rush Mode.
Mirror Match
Adjustment pixel Mirror Match: Complete the game in Mirror Mode (any difficulty level).
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 18:14:20 2021
Adjustment pixel Lieutenant: Complete the game in EASY mode.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:25:55 2021
Adjustment pixel Captain: Complete the game in NORMAL mode.
Adjustment pixel Colonel: Complete the game in HARDCORE mode.
Adjustment pixel Speedrunner: Complete the game in less than 40 minutes in normal or hardcore mode.
Mech Rider I
Adjustment pixel Mech Rider I: Complete Mission I with the blue mech.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 18:00:28 2021
Mech Rider II
Adjustment pixel Mech Rider II: Complete Mission III with the drill mech.
Mech Rider III
Adjustment pixel Mech Rider III: Complete Mission V with the orange mech.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:19:41 2021
Brawler lvl. 1
Adjustment pixel Brawler lvl. 1: Destroy 10 enemies using the melee attack.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Apr 1 11:23:02 2021
Brawler lvl. 2
Adjustment pixel Brawler lvl. 2: Destroy 100 enemies using the melee attack.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 3 19:47:31 2021
Brawler lvl. 3
Adjustment pixel Brawler lvl. 3: Destroy 500 enemies using the melee attack.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Aug 3 19:22:15 2023
Puppet Master
Adjustment pixel Puppet Master: Collect 50 battle bots.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:34:29 2021
Weapon Lord
Adjustment pixel Weapon Lord: Collect 100 weapons.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Aug 4 13:11:36 2023
Blazing Chrome lvl. 1
Adjustment pixel Blazing Chrome lvl. 1: Destroy 500 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 16:10:55 2021
Blazing Chrome lvl. 2
Adjustment pixel Blazing Chrome lvl. 2: Destroy 1500 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 18 12:45:10 2023
Blazing Chrome lvl. 3
Adjustment pixel Blazing Chrome lvl. 3: Destroy 5000 enemies.
12 players