Mission Accomplished: Earn all Other Trophies in Blacklight: Retribution
Mechanized Soldier: Kill 50 enemies with the Hardsuit
Toasty: Kill 10 Hardsuits with the Flamethrower
Bread Winner: Earn 50,000 GP
Field Agent: Reach Level 10
Star Agent: Reach Level 34
Top Agent: Reach Level Cap
Who Needs Friends?: Played 20 Matches of Deathmatch
One Life to Live: Played 20 Matches of Search and Destroy
Team Player: Played 20 Matches of Team Deathmatch
Kleptomaniac: Played 20 Matches of Capture the Flag
No One Left Behind: Played 20 Matches of Kill Confirmed
Biohazard: Played 20 Matches of Onslaught
To the Bitter End: Complete a Match of Onslaught
Damn, I look Good: Fully Customize your Agent
This is My Rifle: Fully Customize a primary weapon
This is My Gun: Fully Customize a secondary weapon
This is For Shooting: Purchase Ammo from the Depot 10 times
This is For Fun: Taunt During a Match 100 times
Big Winner: Earn 3500 CP in a single match
Februrary Content Patch |
Gunman Guru: Kill 50 enemies with the Gunman Hardsuit's Auto-Cannon
Welcome to Blacklight: Complete the Training Level
Reanimator: 10 Revives used