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BioShock 2 PS3

BioShock 2

BioShock 2 is presented as a first person shooter, with the player taking on the role of Subject Delta, a prototype for the Big Daddies approximately 8 years after the events of the first game. As with BioShock, the player explores Rapture and fights off Splicers, the remaining psychotic human population of the city, using a combination of the environment, weapons, Plasmids and Tonics.
  • US February 9, 2010
  • EU February 9, 2010
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: 2K Marine
Publisher: 2K Games
  • 47 Trophy bronze icon
  • 18 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 24 of 69
Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Trophy: Unlocked all trophies
Welcome to Rapture
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Rapture: Completed your first non-private match.
Unnatural Selection
Adjustment pixel Unnatural Selection: Scored your first kill in a non-private match.
Disgusting Frankenstein
Adjustment pixel Disgusting Frankenstein: Became a Big Daddy for the first time in a non-private match.
Mr. Bubbles-- No!
Adjustment pixel Mr. Bubbles-- No!: Took down your first Big Daddy in a non-private match.
Two-Bit Heroics
Adjustment pixel Two-Bit Heroics: Completed your first trial in a non-private match.
Mother Goose
Adjustment pixel Mother Goose: Saved your first Little Sister in a non-private match.
Adjustment pixel Parasite: Achieved Rank 10.
Little Moth
Adjustment pixel Little Moth: Achieved Rank 20.
Skin Job
Adjustment pixel Skin Job: Achieved Rank 30.
Choose the Impossible
Adjustment pixel Choose the Impossible: Achieved Rank 40.
Proving Grounds
Adjustment pixel Proving Grounds: Won your first non-private match.
Man About Town
Adjustment pixel Man About Town: Played at least one non-private match on each multiplayer map.
Daddy's Home
Adjustment pixel Daddy's Home: Found your way back into the ruins of Rapture.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 20 21:40:23 2015
Adjustment pixel Protector: Defended yourself against Lamb's assault in the train station.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 09:28:43 2015
Sinclair's Solution
Adjustment pixel Sinclair's Solution: Joined forces with Sinclair in Ryan Amusements.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 11:05:56 2015
Confronted Grace
Adjustment pixel Confronted Grace: Confronted Lamb's lieutenant in Pauper's Drop.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 14:05:17 2015
Defeated the Preacher
Adjustment pixel Defeated the Preacher: Defeated the Preacher.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 15:34:42 2015
Nose for News
Adjustment pixel Nose for News: Uncovered the secret of Dionysus Park.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 12:13:00 2015
Found Lamb's Hideout
Adjustment pixel Found Lamb's Hideout: Gained access to Lamb's stronghold.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 15:05:04 2015
Adjustment pixel Reunion: Reunited with your original Little Sister.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 15:28:40 2015
Heading to the Surface
Adjustment pixel Heading to the Surface: Headed to the surface on the side of Sinclair's escape pod.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 16:27:32 2015
Adjustment pixel Escape: Escaped Rapture.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 16:29:38 2015
Bought a Slot
Adjustment pixel Bought a Slot: Bought one Plasmid or Tonic Slot at a Gatherer's Garden.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 15:22:35 2015
Max Plasmid Slots
Adjustment pixel Max Plasmid Slots: Fully upgraded to the maximum number of Plasmid Slots.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 15:28:30 2015
Upgraded a Weapon
Adjustment pixel Upgraded a Weapon: Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 09:39:51 2015
Fully Upgraded a Weapon
Adjustment pixel Fully Upgraded a Weapon: Installed the third upgrade to a weapon.
All Weapon Upgrades
Adjustment pixel All Weapon Upgrades: Found every Power to the People weapon upgrade in the game.
Distance Hacker
Adjustment pixel Distance Hacker: Used the Hack Tool to hack an object at a distance.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 22 21:06:29 2015
Prolific Hacker
Adjustment pixel Prolific Hacker: Hacked one of each kind of machine.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 10:35:15 2015
Master Hacker
Adjustment pixel Master Hacker: Hacked 30 machines at a distance with the Hack Tool.
First Research
Adjustment pixel First Research: Researched a Splicer with the Research Camera.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 11:44:03 2015
One Research Track
Adjustment pixel One Research Track: Maxed out one Research Track.
Research Master
Adjustment pixel Research Master: Completed all research on every subject in Rapture.
Grand Daddy
Adjustment pixel Grand Daddy: Defeated 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 11:54:08 2015
Adopted a Little Sister
Adjustment pixel Adopted a Little Sister: Adopted a new Little Sister for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 09:55:30 2015
Master Gatherer
Adjustment pixel Master Gatherer: Gathered 600 ADAM with Little Sisters.
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid
Adjustment pixel Fully Upgraded a Plasmid: Fully upgraded one Plasmid to the Level 3 version.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 13:13:23 2015
All Plasmids
Adjustment pixel All Plasmids: Found or purchased all 11 basic Plasmid types.
Adjustment pixel Unbreakable: Defended yourself against the Big Sister without dying.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 11:03:40 2015
Look at You, Hacker
Adjustment pixel Look at You, Hacker: Killed 50 enemies using only hacked Security.
Trap Master
Adjustment pixel Trap Master: Killed 30 enemies using only Traps.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 12:09:31 2015
Adjustment pixel Counterattack: Killed an enemy with its own projectile.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 13:00:15 2015
Master Protector
Adjustment pixel Master Protector: Got through a Gather with no damage and no one getting to the Little Sister.
Big Spender
Adjustment pixel Big Spender: Spent 2000 dollars at Vending Machines.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 26 14:53:30 2015
Dealt with Every Little Sister
Adjustment pixel Dealt with Every Little Sister: Dealt with every Little Sister.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 30 14:14:01 2015
Against All Odds
Adjustment pixel Against All Odds: Finished the game on the hardest difficulty level.
Adjustment pixel Savior: Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil.
Big Brass Balls
Adjustment pixel Big Brass Balls: Finished the game without using Vita-Chambers.
Rapture Historian
Adjustment pixel Rapture Historian: Found 100 audio diaries.
Adjustment pixel 9-Irony: Paid your respects to the founder of Rapture.
Aqua Incognita
Adjustment pixel Aqua Incognita: Play at least one non-private match on each DLC map.
Adjustment pixel Territorial: Win a non-private match in each of the 6 new maps.
Adjustment pixel Reincarnation: Use Rebirth to start again!
Litmus Test
Adjustment pixel Litmus Test: Earn 6 stars in the Protector Trials
Acid Test
Adjustment pixel Acid Test: Earn 18 stars in the Protector Trial
Trial By Fire
Adjustment pixel Trial By Fire: Earn 36 stars in the Protector Trials
Enemy of The Family
Adjustment pixel Enemy of The Family: Earn an A rank in all Protector Trials
Guardian Angel
Adjustment pixel Guardian Angel: Completed all bonus Protector Trials
Perfect Protector
Adjustment pixel Perfect Protector: Collect 100% of the ADAM in a single Protector Trial
Get A Bigger Bucket
Adjustment pixel Get A Bigger Bucket: Collect 50% of the ADAM available in all Protector Trials
Adjustment pixel Login: Reach Rapture Central Computing Operations
Root Access Granted
Adjustment pixel Root Access Granted: Reach Computer Core Access
Adjustment pixel Logout: Escape Minerva's Den
Adjustment pixel SUDO: Wrest control of The Thinker from Reed Wahl
Garbage Collection
Adjustment pixel Garbage Collection: Destroy all 10 Vacuum Bots in Minerva's Den
High Score
Adjustment pixel High Score: Get 9999 Points in one game of Spitfire
Lancer Killer
Adjustment pixel Lancer Killer: Kill a Lancer Big Daddy
ADAM Addict
Adjustment pixel ADAM Addict: Resolve all the Little Sisters in Minerva's Den
396 players