Meet with annihilation: Kill all foot soldiers and enemy trucks on a Meet With Enemy sequence.
The Emperor's New Clothes: Obtain the Shin Guards, the Bulletproof Vest and the Helmet.
Private Arsenal: Obtain every weapon and weapon upgrade.
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: Block 100 projectiles using the claw.
One Dozen Yashichis: Collect all twelve hidden Yashichis - one from each of Area 01 - 12.
Clean as a whistle: Clear Area 02 without touching a slime blob.
Pacifist Pride: Clear any of Area 1 - 12 without firing your gun.
Cat burglar: Get to the boss of Area 05 within one minute and thirty seconds.
A Real Challenge: Acquire at least one star in each of the Challenge Rooms 1 - 56.
H4><0rz: Hack through all the hacking games on Hard.
Intel Collector: Acquire all database logs.
Elite Commando: Clear the game on Super Hard.