Battlefield: Bad Company: Battlefield: Bad Company
Always get paid in gold bars: Complete 'Welcome To Bad Company' on normal
Action, not words!: Complete 'Welcome To Bad Company' on hard
Not even a nugget!: Complete 'Acta Non Verba' on normal
Where are they going so fast?: Complete 'Acta Non Verba' on hard
You and what army?: Complete 'Crossing Over' on normal
Say goodbye to the gold!: Complete 'Crossing Over' on hard
He might come in handy: Complete 'Par for the Course' on normal
Cart Wheels: Complete 'Par for the Course' on hard
Hold on!: Complete 'Air Force One' on normal
Russia?: Complete 'Air Force One' on hard
Let´s take that boat: Complete 'Crash and Grab' on normal
Capitalist pigs, very nice: Complete 'Crash and Grab' on hard
You found it you keep it: Find 5 unique collectables
Half way thru: Find half of all collectables
Staying Alive: Complete one mission without dying (any difficulty)
Killer on the loose: Kill 25 enemies
Sir, yes sir!: Complete 'Ghost Town' on normal
Here is your DD-214: Complete 'Ghost Town' on hard
Death From Above: Kill 25 enemies in a helicopter
Home Wrecker: Destroy 200 walls
The Hypochondriac: Use Auto Injector 50 Times
Manic Lumberjack: Knock down a small forest
The Anti-Mechanic: Destroy 50 vehicles. (containing enemy AI)
Been There, Drove That!: Drive all vehicle types (Jeep, Tank, Heli, Boat)
One In a Million: Hit hostile helicopter with laser designator
Clean sweep: Find all collectables
I Love Gold!: Find one gold bar
Check My Grill: Find half of the gold bars
Gold Digger: Find all gold bars
On Top of The World: Climb to the highest spot in the game
Get me started: (Online) Participate in one online match (Ranked)
Earned Sat Oct 1 15:36:44 2011
Leatherneck: (Online) Play 100 online matches
Earned Sat Oct 8 16:22:44 2011
Never Used a Door: (Online) Destroy 1000 walls
Earned Sat Oct 1 21:22:18 2011
Forest Ranger: (Online) Knock down 1000 trees
Earned Fri Oct 7 20:46:23 2011
With My Devil Dogs: (Online) Use Squad in the menu, find a friend and play one round
Earned Sat Oct 1 15:51:58 2011
There is no I in Squad: (Online) Have 20 Squad members spawn on you without dying in a single round
Earned Sat Oct 8 10:08:50 2011
Dog owner!: (Online) Collect 5 unique dog tags
Earned Sat Oct 1 17:48:04 2011
Get the dog!: (Online) Collect 50 unique dog tags
Earned Fri Oct 7 18:25:23 2011
Be the best: (Online) Place #1 in a ranked match
Earned Sun Oct 2 10:32:22 2011
Vehikill: (Online) Get at least one kill in every vehicle
Earned Mon Oct 3 15:20:25 2011
Specialist: (Online) Reach Rank 3
Earned Sat Oct 1 16:17:36 2011
Master Sergeant: (Online) Reach Rank 8
Earned Sat Oct 1 21:54:44 2011
Colonel: (Online) Reach Rank 20
Earned Sat Oct 8 16:05:43 2011
General of the Army: (Online) Reach Rank 25
Drive By: (Online) 100 kills using vehicle
Earned Fri Oct 7 15:01:34 2011
Catch The 'Bad' Moment: (Online) Take 3 pictures using the image system
Earned Sun Oct 2 12:57:41 2011
Darwin's Parachute: (Online) Glide in the parachute for 3 seconds
Earned Fri Oct 7 21:05:10 2011
I am Bad Company!: (Online) Achieve all the awards
Ooh Rah: (Online) Achieve half of all awards
Earned Fri Oct 7 18:15:44 2011
Beans Bullets Bandages: (Online) Get 10002 kills