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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

While a first-person shooter, the game follows the series by including controllable vehicles, including ATVs, APCs, tanks, and helicopters . On foot, players are given access to a variety of real-world small arms such as assault rifles and machine guns. While on foot, players can jump, crouch, and sprint. They can carry one primary weapon and a pistol in multiplayer, or two primary weapons in single player, as well asmore
  • US March 2, 2010
  • EU March 5, 2010
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • 58 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 40 of 73
Bad Company Elite
Adjustment pixel Bad Company Elite: Obtain all Campaign and Online trophies
I knew we'd make it
Adjustment pixel I knew we'd make it: Campaign: finish Operation Aurora
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 29 07:10:04 2011
Retirement just got postponed.
Adjustment pixel Retirement just got postponed.: Campaign: finish Cold War
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 29 07:44:37 2011
It's bad for my karma man!
Adjustment pixel It's bad for my karma man!: Campaign: finish Heart of Darkness
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 30 18:17:31 2011
They got all your intel?
Adjustment pixel They got all your intel?: Campaign: finish Upriver
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 30 20:56:45 2011
Salvage a vehicle.
Adjustment pixel Salvage a vehicle.: Campaign: finish Crack the Sky
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 10:59:18 2016
Alright, here it is.
Adjustment pixel Alright, here it is.: Campaign: finish Snowblind
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 12:03:42 2016
Nobody ever drowned in sweat
Adjustment pixel Nobody ever drowned in sweat: Campaign: finish Heavy Metal
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 13:36:23 2016
Ghost rider's here!
Adjustment pixel Ghost rider's here!: Campaign: finish High Value Target
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 14:04:08 2016
Sierra Foxtrot 1079
Adjustment pixel Sierra Foxtrot 1079: Campaign: finish Sangre del Toro
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 19:00:22 2016
Thanks for the smokes, brother!
Adjustment pixel Thanks for the smokes, brother!: Campaign: finish No One Gets Left Behind
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 05:33:52 2016
Save me some cheerleaders.
Adjustment pixel Save me some cheerleaders.: Campaign: finish Zero Dark Thirty
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 06:44:03 2016
Turn on a light.
Adjustment pixel Turn on a light.: Campaign: finish Force Multiplier
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 07:03:35 2016
P.S. Invasion cancelled, sir.
Adjustment pixel P.S. Invasion cancelled, sir.: Campaign: finish Airborne
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 07:16:41 2016
It sucks to be right.
Adjustment pixel It sucks to be right.: Campaign: finish Airborne on Hard
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 07:16:50 2016
New Shiny Gun
Adjustment pixel New Shiny Gun: Campaign: find 5 collectable weapons
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 29 07:57:47 2011
Guns Guns Guns
Adjustment pixel Guns Guns Guns: Campaign: find 15 collectable weapons
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 30 20:55:21 2011
Link to the Past
Adjustment pixel Link to the Past: Campaign: destroy 1 satellite uplink
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 29 08:31:28 2011
Communication Issues
Adjustment pixel Communication Issues: Campaign: destroy 15 satellite uplinks
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 18:32:58 2016
Complete Blackout
Adjustment pixel Complete Blackout: Campaign: destroy 22 satellite uplinks
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 06:37:42 2016
Ten Blades
Adjustment pixel Ten Blades: Campaign: 10 melee kills
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 12:01:14 2016
Adjustment pixel Taxi!: Campaign: drive 5 km in any land vehicle
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 12:19:13 2016
Adjustment pixel Destruction: Campaign: destroy 100 objects
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 30 20:11:05 2011
Destruction Part 2
Adjustment pixel Destruction Part 2: Campaign: destroy 1000 objects
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 17:06:39 2016
Adjustment pixel Demolish: Campaign: demolish 1 house
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 18 09:39:21 2016
Demolish Part 2
Adjustment pixel Demolish Part 2: Campaign: demolish 50 houses
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 18 11:21:13 2016
Assault Rifle Aggression
Adjustment pixel Assault Rifle Aggression: Campaign: 50 kills with assault rifles
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 29 08:09:57 2011
Sub Machine Gun Storm
Adjustment pixel Sub Machine Gun Storm: Campaign: 50 kills with sub machine guns
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 18 13:38:18 2016
Light Machine Gun Lash Out
Adjustment pixel Light Machine Gun Lash Out: Campaign: 50 kills with light machine guns
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 11:26:42 2016
Sniper Rifle Strike
Adjustment pixel Sniper Rifle Strike: Campaign: 50 kills with sniper rifles
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 20 13:28:52 2016
Wall of Shotgun
Adjustment pixel Wall of Shotgun: Campaign: 50 kills with shotguns
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 18 12:42:17 2016
Multiplayer Knowledge
Adjustment pixel Multiplayer Knowledge: Online: reach Rank 10 (Sergeant I)
Multiplayer Elite
Adjustment pixel Multiplayer Elite: Online: reach Rank 22 (Warrant Officer I)
Assault Expert
Adjustment pixel Assault Expert: Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Assault kit
Engineer Expert
Adjustment pixel Engineer Expert: Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Engineer kit
Medic Expert
Adjustment pixel Medic Expert: Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Medic kit
Recon Expert
Adjustment pixel Recon Expert: Online: unlock 3 weapons in the Recon kit
Battlefield Expert
Adjustment pixel Battlefield Expert: Online: obtain all unlocks in any kit or all Vehicle unlocks
15 Minutes of Fame
Adjustment pixel 15 Minutes of Fame: Online: play for 15 minutes
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 16 08:32:37 2011
Mission... Accomplished.
Adjustment pixel Mission... Accomplished.: Online: in a round do one kill with the knife, the M60 and the RPG-7
Pistol Man
Adjustment pixel Pistol Man: Online: get 5 kills with every handgun in the game
Adjustment pixel Airkill: Online: roadkill an enemy with any helicopter
Et Tu, Brute?
Adjustment pixel Et Tu, Brute?: Online: knife 5 friends
Demolition Man
Adjustment pixel Demolition Man: Online: get 20 demolish kills
Careful Guidence
Adjustment pixel Careful Guidence: Online: destroy an enemy helicopter with a stationary RPG
The Dentist
Adjustment pixel The Dentist: Online: do a headshot kill with the repair tool
Won Them All
Adjustment pixel Won Them All: Online: win a round in all online game modes
Squad Player
Adjustment pixel Squad Player: Online: obtain the Gold Squad Pin 5 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 17 05:51:38 2012
Combat Service Support
Adjustment pixel Combat Service Support: Online: do 10 resupplies, repairs, heals, revives and motion mine spot assists
Award Aware
Adjustment pixel Award Aware: Online: obtain 10 unique awards
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 17 05:45:41 2012
Award Addicted
Adjustment pixel Award Addicted: Online: obtain 50 unique awards
SPECACT Assault Elite
Adjustment pixel SPECACT Assault Elite: Get all SPECACT Assault awards
SPECACT Engineer Elite
Adjustment pixel SPECACT Engineer Elite: Get all SPECACT Engineer awards
SPECACT Medic Elite
Adjustment pixel SPECACT Medic Elite: Get all SPECACT Medic awards
SPECACT Recon Elite
Adjustment pixel SPECACT Recon Elite: Get all SPECACT Recon awards
Valpariso Conquered
Adjustment pixel Valpariso Conquered: Successfully complete Valpariso in Onslaught mode on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 10:18:28 2016
Valpariso Veteran
Adjustment pixel Valpariso Veteran: Successfully complete Valpariso in Onslaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Isla Inocentes  Conquered
Adjustment pixel Isla Inocentes  Conquered: Successfully complete Isla Inocentes in Onslaught mode on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 08:24:32 2016
Isla Inocentes Veteran
Adjustment pixel Isla Inocentes Veteran: Successfully complete Isla Inocentes in Onslaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Atacama Desert  Conquered
Adjustment pixel Atacama Desert  Conquered: Successfully complete Atacama Desert in Onslaught mode on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 09:08:44 2016
Atacama Desert Veteran
Adjustment pixel Atacama Desert Veteran: Successfully complete Atacama Desert in Onslaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Nelson Bay  Conquered
Adjustment pixel Nelson Bay  Conquered: Successfully complete Nelson Bay in Onslaught mode on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 07:56:51 2016
Nelson Bay Veteran
Adjustment pixel Nelson Bay Veteran: Successfully complete Nelson Bay in Onslaught mode on Hardcore difficulty
Can I Go Home Now?
Adjustment pixel Can I Go Home Now?: Win a round of either Rush or Conquest on all four Vietnam levels
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 23 12:26:04 2016
Every Gun has a Silver Lining
Adjustment pixel Every Gun has a Silver Lining: Get silver stars on all primary Vietnam weapons
Ecstasy of Gold
Adjustment pixel Ecstasy of Gold: Get gold stars on all primary Vietnam weapons
Doing the Rounds
Adjustment pixel Doing the Rounds: Get a kill with all Vietnam vehicles
Cantankerous Chauffeur
Adjustment pixel Cantankerous Chauffeur: Get 100 kills with Vietnam tanks
Ride of the Valkyrie
Adjustment pixel Ride of the Valkyrie: Get 50 kills with the Huey
Would you kindly STFU?
Adjustment pixel Would you kindly STFU?: Destroy a Hannoi Hannah propaganda speaker
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 23 11:28:37 2016
Great Balls of Fire
Adjustment pixel Great Balls of Fire: Get 20 kills with the flamethrower
Just Because I Can
Adjustment pixel Just Because I Can: Finish first on the scoreboard on any Vietnam level
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 23 11:18:40 2016
2nd Tour of Duty
Adjustment pixel 2nd Tour of Duty: Achieve the best squad award on Operation Hastings
360 players