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Azkend 2 PS4

Azkend 2

While traveling from Liverpool to New York your ship was pulled down into a massive maelstrom and you woke up in a place that may have never been gazed upon by the eyes of men. From now on your goal is to ascend from the bowels of the earth and return to civilization.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: 10tons
Publisher: 10tons
  • 12 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
Progression: 16 of 16
Match Ten
Adjustment pixel Match Ten: Create a match of ten items.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jan 15 00:33:47 2017
Humble Highscore
Adjustment pixel Humble Highscore: Get 12,000 points in the Time challenge with a multiplier of 1.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 17:03:14 2017
Adjustment pixel Exact-o-Matcher: Play a classic level without matching even one move on blue tiles.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 22:37:12 2017
Compass Master
Adjustment pixel Compass Master: Include four compass pieces in one match.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 17 21:39:32 2017
Match 16
Adjustment pixel Match 16: Create a match of 16 or more items.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 17 21:39:29 2017
Bug Stomper
Adjustment pixel Bug Stomper: Squish five bugs with a single match.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 21:04:56 2017
Expert Matcher
Adjustment pixel Expert Matcher: Create a match of 24 or more items.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 17 22:45:00 2017
Medal Apprentice
Adjustment pixel Medal Apprentice: Get a medal from half of the levels in the Medal challenge.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 19 20:21:18 2017
Snappy Collector
Adjustment pixel Snappy Collector: Collect all the flowers before any leaves fall.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 22:01:27 2017
Bug Shooter
Adjustment pixel Bug Shooter: Kill a bug in flight.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 21:09:20 2017
Adjustment pixel Carpenter: Turn all of the wood tiles before turning any steel tiles during one level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 23:39:56 2017
God of Thunder
Adjustment pixel God of Thunder: Create a ball lightning with every move during one level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 17 21:23:34 2017
Timely Tile Turner
Adjustment pixel Timely Tile Turner: Turn all of the tiles blue 10 or more times during one round of Time challenge.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 17 20:14:54 2017
Adjustment pixel Extinguisher: Make every match next to a fiery tile in one level of the fire game mode.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 18 21:13:08 2017
Challenge Champion
Adjustment pixel Challenge Champion: Reach a multiplier of 30 in the Time challenge.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 19 21:24:08 2017
Medal Master
Adjustment pixel Medal Master: Get a medal from all of the levels in the Medal challenge.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 19 18:42:48 2017
74 players