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Attack of the Toy Tanks PS4

Attack of the Toy Tanks

In Attack of the Toy Tanks, across the game’s 60 levels in the main campaign, players must take control of the provided vehicle of war and battle it out across different arenas and be the last tank standing.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Petite Games
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
  • 1 Trophy silver icon
  • 11 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 13 of 13
Platinum Tank
Adjustment pixel Platinum Tank: Get all other trophies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:42:39 2020
Adjustment pixel Trainee: Destroy your first tank in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:04:30 2020
Adjustment pixel Lieutenant: Destroy 10 tanks in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:07:02 2020
Adjustment pixel Captain: Destroy 20 tanks in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:10:39 2020
Adjustment pixel Major: Destroy 30 tanks in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:13:43 2020
Adjustment pixel Colonel: Destroy 50 tanks in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:20:50 2020
Adjustment pixel General: Destroy 70 tanks in battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:25:48 2020
Small Tank
Adjustment pixel Small Tank: Complete 10 levels.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:19:14 2020
Middle Tank
Adjustment pixel Middle Tank: Complete 20 levels.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:32:21 2020
Big Tank
Adjustment pixel Big Tank: Complete 30 levels
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:42:39 2020
Silver Crown
Adjustment pixel Silver Crown: Get silver ranking on any level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:17:04 2020
Gold Crown
Adjustment pixel Gold Crown: Get gold ranking on any level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:04:40 2020
Adjustment pixel Destroyed: Die for the 1st time.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 15 19:04:52 2020
70 players