Enlightenment: Acquire all ASURA'S WRATH trophies.
Suffering: Complete Part I: Suffering.
Rebirth: Complete Part II: Rebirth.
Karma: Complete Part III: Karma.
The Truth Hurts: Uncover the truth.
Fighter: Complete all episodes on Normal or higher.
Warrior: Complete all episodes on Hard.
Demigod: Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Normal.
Shinkoku Soldier: Complete all episodes with an S rank on Normal.
Guardian General: Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Hard.
Deity: Complete all episodes with an S rank on Hard.
Mortal: Achieve a D rank or higher on any episode.
Earned Mon Feb 27 12:21:10 2012
Anger Management: Activate Burst for the first time in Episode 1.
Earned Mon Feb 27 12:10:40 2012
The Six-Armed Man: Grow a few extra limbs in Episode 5.
Heads Will Roll: Completely lose it in Episode 12.
Rebel with a Cause: Do what you think is right in Episode 13.
Denied: Get scolded by your former master in Episode 10.
It Takes Two: Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17.
A Cry of Anger: Activate Burst 50 times.
A Roar of Fury: Activate Burst 100 times.
Hit'Em Hard: Defeat 100 enemies with a special attack.
Hit'Em Harder: Defeat 300 enemies with a special attack.
Can't Touch This: Perform 50 counterattacks.
Can't Touch That: Perform 100 counterattacks.
They Don't Stand a Chance: Defeat 50 enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
Unstoppable Force: Defeat 100 enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
Taking Out the Trash: Defeat 300 enemies with heavy attacks and/or lock-on fire.
Quick on the Draw: Achieve 70 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
Lightning Reflexes: Achieve 150 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
Be the Fist: Achieve an overall synchronic rate average of 80% on any difficulty.
Pain Is Universal: Accumulate a total of 10000 in damage.
Too Legit to Quit: Continue the game after falling in battle.
Look Ma, No Eyes!: Complete the game with the Blind Master gauge equipped.
Who Needs Health?: Complete the game with the Mortal gauge equipped.
CG Collector: Get all the CG art.
Art Appreciator: Get all the illustrations.
Movie Buff: Get all the movies and interludes.
The Whole Nine: Get all the gauges.
Ka-ching!: Accumulate a total of 120000 Battle points.
View of the Valley: Continue to stare at the hot spring attendant's assets.
Like a Fish: Consume more alcohol than you should.
Sometimes I Feel Like...: Find all the peeping Doji at the hot spring.
Shut Up, Wyzen!: Interrupt Wyzen's monologue.
Shut Up, Kalrow!: Interrupt Kalrow's monologue.
Shut Up, Augus!: Interrupt Augus' monologue.
Daddy's Angry: Defy the supreme being in Episode 19.
A Friend in Need: Protect your brother-in-law in Episode 20.
How Do Ya Like Me Now?: Receive a parting gift in Episode 21.
Blaze of Glory: Put an end to your wrath once and for all.
Nirvana: Complete Part IV: Nirvana.
Gaea's Champion: Complete all episodes in Part IV with an S rank on Hard.
A Rebuttal of Fists: Complete all missions in Lost Episode 1.
An Everlasting Clash: Complete all missions in Lost Episode 2.