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Arcadegeddon PS4


Gilly, the owner of a local arcade, is trying to save his business from a faceless mega corporation. To do so he takes all the top arcade games and connects them all to make a super game. Unfortunately, the mega corporation, Fun Fun Co. hacks the game and injects a virus. You and your friends need to save the game and the last hometown arcade.
  • US July 5, 2022
  • EU July 5, 2022
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: IllFonic
Publisher: IllFonic
  • 41 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 51
Make Gilly Proud
Adjustment pixel Make Gilly Proud: Collect All 50 trophies
Adventure Time
Adjustment pixel Adventure Time: Play through a Run of Adventure Mode
Seasoned Adventurer
Adjustment pixel Seasoned Adventurer: Play 25 Runs of Adventure Mode
Infinite Adventures!
Adjustment pixel Infinite Adventures!: Play 100 Runs of Adventure Mode
Meching Enemies
Adjustment pixel Meching Enemies: Defeat The FFC Mech Boss
Coup d'etat
Adjustment pixel Coup d'etat: Defeat the Data Daemon Prince Boss
Get Furious
Adjustment pixel Get Furious: Defeat the Fury Boss
You're Fired
Adjustment pixel You're Fired: Defeat the FFC CEO Boss
The Full Monty
Adjustment pixel The Full Monty: Defeat all 4 bosses in a single run
Booty Bashing
Adjustment pixel Booty Bashing: Destroy 500 Crates
Treasure Hunting
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunting: Open 500 Treasure Chests
The Collector
Adjustment pixel The Collector: Collect 50 Figurines
To Be Continued
Adjustment pixel To Be Continued: Continue a Run 10 times
Surge Ahead
Adjustment pixel Surge Ahead: Use Surge Abilities 100 times
The Final Blow
Adjustment pixel The Final Blow: Defeat a boss with a melee attack as the final hit
Start Your Collection
Adjustment pixel Start Your Collection: Collect 10 Figurines
Ticket Toddler
Adjustment pixel Ticket Toddler: Collect 100000 Tickets
Ticket Titan
Adjustment pixel Ticket Titan: Collect 500000 Tickets
Hacks in Stacks
Adjustment pixel Hacks in Stacks: Stack 3 of the same hacks
Here Comes a New Challenger
Adjustment pixel Here Comes a New Challenger: Win 1 PVP Matches
Get In The Ring!
Adjustment pixel Get In The Ring!: Win 10 PVP Matches
Adjustment pixel Nexuwizard: Win 25 PVP Matches
Boss of Bosses
Adjustment pixel Boss of Bosses: Defeat 25 Bosses
Field Medic
Adjustment pixel Field Medic: Pick up 100 Health boxes
Guardian Angel
Adjustment pixel Guardian Angel: Heal teammates for 3000 hitpoints
Rapid Response
Adjustment pixel Rapid Response: Revive yourself using the Medic Drone
Rescue Ranger
Adjustment pixel Rescue Ranger: Help 50 downed teammates up
Clips and Crits
Adjustment pixel Clips and Crits: Get 500 Kills with Militech Weapons
Grey Goo
Adjustment pixel Grey Goo: Get 500 Kills with Nanotech Weapons
No Chill
Adjustment pixel No Chill: Get 500 Kills with ZeroCool Weapons
1.21 Gigawatts
Adjustment pixel 1.21 Gigawatts: Get 500 Kills with Surge Weapons
Light My Fire
Adjustment pixel Light My Fire: Get 500 Kills with Infernal Weapons
This Is My Boomstick!
Adjustment pixel This Is My Boomstick!: Get 500 Kills with Demolisher Weapons
Master of Arms
Adjustment pixel Master of Arms: Get 500 Kills with each manufacturer type
Poppin Noggins
Adjustment pixel Poppin Noggins: Get 100 Headshots with sniper rifles
Playing With Power
Adjustment pixel Playing With Power: Use a Surge Guantlet Ability
Team Player
Adjustment pixel Team Player: Heal a full team of 4 with the Medic Drone
Everybody Freeze
Adjustment pixel Everybody Freeze: Freeze 10 enemies with a single Freeze Blast Ability
Shield and Shred
Adjustment pixel Shield and Shred: Kill 20 enemies while boosted by a single Shield Drone Ability
Ground Control
Adjustment pixel Ground Control: Kill 10 enemies using a single Major Tombot
Event Horizon
Adjustment pixel Event Horizon: Trap 15 enemies with a single Black Hole
Adjustment pixel Pyrotechnical: Kill 15 enemies with a single Fireball
I'm the Pluggernaut
Adjustment pixel I'm the Pluggernaut: Kill 20 enemies with a single Pluggernaut Ability
Nature is Lit
Adjustment pixel Nature is Lit: Have a single Tiny Tornado get frozen, electrified and set on fire
Surge Gauntlet Jocky
Adjustment pixel Surge Gauntlet Jocky: Customize Your Surge Gauntlet Abilities
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 7 07:35:13 2022
Adjustment pixel Photogenic: Customize Your Characters Appearance
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 7 07:08:45 2022
Gunplay & Cosplay
Adjustment pixel Gunplay & Cosplay: Customize a Weapon
Plug it In
Adjustment pixel Plug it In: Equip a Plugin
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 7 07:35:40 2022
Let's Get This Party Started
Adjustment pixel Let's Get This Party Started: Complete the Tutorial
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 7 07:32:07 2022
Stop Hitting Yourself
Adjustment pixel Stop Hitting Yourself: Pay to Increase the Difficulty 50 times
Surge Guantlet Scholar
Adjustment pixel Surge Guantlet Scholar: Unlock all Primary Surge Abilities
13 players