Unforgettable journey: Unlock all trophies
Pull it out!: Succubus ending
I was born to rule!: Nimrod ending
Good and Evil: Good and Evil (Unlock Evil and Angel ending)
Your soul is mine!: Baphomet ending
Lara would be proud!: Find all secret rooms
She looks good in red: Find 2 red chambers
The richest man in hell: Find 4 gold chambers
I have a beautiful soul!: Max out every skill
You look just like your father: Unlock all letters and notes
The great painter: Unlock all paintings
What have I done?: Unlock all comic pages
Let me see you: Unlock all characters in 3D viewer
I found a job!: Unlock madman ending
I am enlightened: Unlock everything in gallery
Wait for me my Goddess!: Finish level 1
Pact with the devil: Finish level 2
To the sunset!: Finish level 3
Never ending Agony: Finish level 4
Survivor: Survive a level in Agony Mode
I'm thirsty!: Possess an onoskelis
The force is with me: Possess a chort
I'm on fire! But I like it.: Possess an ifrit
Ice Age: Find a peanut in the frozen caves
Nice try: Try to push an onoskelis to the pit
Earned Mon May 28 20:49:03 2018
Demon slayer: Push and kill an onoskelis
Did I just bore him?: Survive Baphomet bossfight
There is always something bigger: Kill an enormous chort
Where are you, pet?: Finish level 1 as a succubus
This time, I will use the elevator: Finish level 2 as a succubus
Finally, a bath!: Finish level 3 as a succubus
What a beautiful taste!: Finish level 4 as a succubus
Can I lick it?: Use a finisher on an onoskelis as a succubus
Heartbreaker: Kill a chort as a succubus
The Scarlet Woman: Normal ending