Hardiman Above All Else: Collect all 25 HAN-IV Backup SSD's
Survivor: Collect SPIRITUS Mainframe Data Backup
IRIS: Collect the DLSR Camera
The Father: Collect McDonagh Token
The Dreamer: Collect Lopez Token
The Penitent: Collect Edwards Token
The Scientist: Collect Hudson Token
The Visionary: Collect Olivier Token
Home: Escape the Northstar IV
Redeemed: Escape the Northstar IV with all Astronaut Tokens
Determined: Escape the Northstar IV in under 2 hours
Obsessive: Listen to all Audio Logs, Audio Terminals and Intercepted Transmissions
Inquisitive: Listen to more than 50% of the Audio Logs, Audio Terminals and Intercepted Transmissions
Repentant: Escape the Northstar IV with 3 to 5 Astronaut Tokens
Indomitable: Escape the Northstar IV without dying