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Collect all phonograph cylinders
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Here is the chapter and scene in which to find the collectibles. You can see which ones you've got by clicking and choosing Archive. You don't need to reach an autosave point to have this registered - you can quit out once you get it.

Le Morte d’Arthur: Chapter 1, Ever Watchful:
On a table.

Sons and Daughters of Britain, Chapter 3, Good times:
In the room where you turn the crane to lower the obstacle.

The Anarchists 12.10.86: Chapter 3, Good Times:
At the spot where you lower the obstacle to progress to the right, go left instead.

All Through the Night, Chapter 4, Whitechapel Underground:
On a table as you enter the lock-picked room.

The Anarchists 29.09.86, Chapter 4, Whitechapel Underground:
In a chest close to the previous one.

Agamemnon Christening: Chapter 5, Rules of Engagement:
On a table in a smaller room within the first room that you stealth kill two rebels.

Evacuation Procedures: Chapter 5, CQD, SOS, DE, GFAXX:
On a table covered in green felt. You will pass it on your way.

The Anarchists 16.10.86: Chapter 9, Mistrust:
Push the first cart, then turn around and follow the right-hand tunnel until you reach a chest.

Cable From the New Continent: Chapter 9, Wounded:
Once you're on the other side of the door you'll find this.

Cargo Inspection Log: Chapter 9, The Plot Thickens:
In the first building after directive Get to the dry dock is triggered, lockpick the door on the first floor.

The Anarchists 17.10.86: Chapter 11, The United India House:
Either before or after you swing across with the lamp, take the stairs below to find a chest.

News From the East Indies: Chapter 11, Not a Moment to Soon:
After the big shootout and before breaking in the door, look to the right.

Ramayana, First Verse: Chapter 11, Peacekeeper:
After going up the big stairs, turn left instead of right.

Chopin, Prelude in E-minor, ‘Dying Away’: Chapter 11, Finding Proof:
First book case on the right as you enter the room

The Captain’s Testament: Chapter 11, Finding Proof:
On the left side of the room, the book shelf furthest back, in a drawer

The Anarchists 29.11.86: Chapter 15, A Path Seldom Walked:
Keep following the path to the left after the second enemy encounter. In a chest.
StipeyBy Baj
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