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Uta Kumi 575 Vita

Uta Kumi 575

Utagumi 575 is a game that creates new ground for a genre; by taking literary sensibilities and mixing it with popular Japanese music, the Haiku - a Japanese poetic form that follows the strict rule of 3 lines following 5 to 7 to 5 syllables per line - a new style of gameplay is invented. Instead of the formulaic approach of only matching button presses to various tempo based patterns, Utagumi 575 incorporates this with a hiragana guessing game. The result for players is that after fulfilling the correct cadence requirements, a prompt for missing Japanese characters appears, and these are filled in by paying attention to the phrase be displayed, the context of the song, and rules of a Haiku.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP January 23, 2014
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
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