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Kingdom Come: Deliverance PS4

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Rooted within the Holy Roman Empire during the late Middle Ages, Kingdom Come: Deliverance promises a first-person seat to a harsh and brutal power struggle for the throne.

As players traverse expansive, strikingly detailed locales, they’ll grapple with a range of period-accurate fighting techniques, horseback combat, open-field sieges, and large-scale battles, all while developing relationships and a reputation that will inform the greater story. Kingdom Come: Deliverancepromises no magic, high fantasy or mythical overtones - it draws its inspiration instead from historically authentic characters, themes, and warfare.
  • US February 13, 2018
  • EU February 13, 2018
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Warhorse Studios
Publisher: Deep Silver
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