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Mainichi Issho PS3

Mainichi Issho

From the Doko Demo Issyo universe of characters and lands, the PlayStation mascot Toro visits the PlayStation 3 in this exclusive online-available title that serves as a playable gaming news applet for your PS3! You can visit Toro's home and watch Toro go about his daily life, then visit Toro Station for daily updates from Sony Computer Entertainment. The game has minimal interactivity during the broadcasts -- for instance, Toro will occasionally ask you questions, and by answering correctly, you'll get a chance to spin a roulette following the broadcast. Success at the roulette earns food which can be given to Toro.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP November 11, 2006
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Game Arts
Publisher: SCEI
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