Trophies for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Perhaps the most sought-after game to get patched with trophies is the now 4 year old Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

When a new version of the game, called PlayStation 3 The Best, is released in Japan this August it will include 34 trophies. There will also be a patch to download if you already own the game.

Knowing now how the trophies for MGS HD collection stack up, be prepared to collect everything in the game and don’t harm a fly if you want that precious platinum.

The patch will also add the option for a full game install, which should reduce the amount of time you’ll see Snake smoking.


  1. dark32 says:

    guess time to play it all over again when it comes out eh… :D

    • dFUSE Baj says:

      Hehe… I’m not actually sure I’ll do that. I’m betting some of the trophies will be getting all embles etc… and that’s a piece of work I’m not willing to do :p

  2. dFUSE dFUSE says:

    I will definitely replay it, but won’t go for the plat, Like you said Baj, MGS trophies will probably be really time consuming. Can’t remember if you got scored on the missions like in previous MGS’s though, like S-rank etc.

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