Two new characters added to PASBR roster

While I personally find it highly unoriginal to pick Tekken’s own Heihachi Mishima, he’s the first out of two newly announced characters to enter the roster for the upcoming october brawler. There are so many other good fighters in Tekken that would have been cooler choices, like Yoshimitsu, Paul or Marshall Law. But with only a fraction of the final roster revealed, chances are there could be more characters from Tekken included.

The second reveal was Toro who has been rumored as a character for quite some while. The Sony Japan mascot sure looks like a cute addition to the game.

We have more information on PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale including a complete roster of confirmed characters.

What character would you love to see announced next?

  1. Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

    I’ve actually played a game with Toro! It was the Everybody’s mini-golf game on PSN, it might have been on the Japanese PSN only if i remember it correctly. I guess he’s huge in Japan!

  2. Bård A. Johnsen stoned says:

    i always loved Heihachi, great fighting character in Tekken. I approve of this!

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