PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a crossover free-for-all brawler made by the studio SuperBot Entertainment and co-produced by Sony Santa Monica. Excitingly the game will feature 4 player cross-platform play between the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita and will run at 60 frames per second.
“The pick-up and play nature of PlayStation All Stars and the portable power of the PS Vita seem to be made for each other, so bringing the two together was a no-brainer. With Cross Play support, owners of the PS3 and PS Vita versions will be able to play against each other seamlessly, via both local and online play. Both versions of the game feature identical gameplay at a blazing-fast 60 frames-per-second, offering the complete PlayStation All-Stars experience. PlayStation All- Stars PS Vita takes advantage of many of the unique Vita features, including “near” functionality and both front touchscreen and rear touchpad support.”
-SuperBot Entertainment
Let’s get to know the brawlers of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
I think I’m going for a ranged, fast character since your’re not awarded points for individual hits, rather you get points that fill your Super-meter which will then kill other combatants. Maybe go for Radec and the sniper rifle with laser sight :D
Kratos FTW!!! :P
This game looks interesting,wish it have lot more of characters tho.
Hopefully they’ll announce more characters as we get closer to the release date!
I’m still waiting for them to announce Kevin Butler.
Haha! That would seal the deal allright!