Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered brings puns, destruction and 4K this year

THQ Nordic just announced that a remaster of Red Faction Guerrilla is in the works, and they spare no expenses on the puns with a title that pretty much rolls off the tongue and then proceeds to decimate a building. It’s called Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered and comes packed with 4K support, reworked graphics, better shadow rendering, lighting and shading. In other words, a whole lot of bells and whistles to welcome what is basically a destruction simulator into the current fray of consoles.

In case you forgot, Red Faction Guerrilla has you play through an action packed story on Mars about pushing back the big boys, mostly by completely obliterating everything you see – preferably with a big hammer. The game is expected in Q2 of this year.

  1. Mk Ba says:

    Kévin Salles

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