Eden’s Gate is a cult with a strong belief that, like every decent cult out there, the end is near. One difference worth noticing though is that Eden’s Gate isn’t particularly willing to give you a choice in whether you’d like to join them or not. They prefer you just do, or you know, die/get beaten/lose everything instead.
And now they’ve taken over Hope County, Montana.
Far Cry 5 takes its adventure to a new and daring location, but will potentially bring with it all that we know and hate/love about what a Far Cry game is. As you find and gather allies, your end goal is to take care of cult leader Joseph Seed who goes by the classy name “The Father”. Ubisoft Montreal more than imply that the character roster will be more fleshed out and interesting in every way, giving each key character as much story, care and love as one main baddy in prior games got.
I’m excited about the new location, but also worried about cultist-riddled outposts, exotic bears to skin for that huge ammo pouch and an ending that doesn’t quite live up to the adventure you just had. It all sounds pretty great though, so I’m gonna go ahead and be a little bit exited.
Check out the trailer below and the PS Blog post for more details.
Far Cry 5 will be out February 27, 2018.