So far these are the buzz words thrown at the official announcement of the PS4 Pro during tonight’s PlayStation Meeting:
– Upgraded GPU
– Boosted the CPU clock rate
– Interoperability
– 1 TB HDD
Patches for a half dozen titles are in development to support the Pro and take advantage of its increased capabilities. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is not surprisingly being used as an example of a game that will cater to both HDTV’s as well as 4K TV’s for those ready to go Pro. This also includes the remaster of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, as well as Black Ops 3 which will be patched to support the new console.
Some actual gameplay was also shown for Mass Effect: Andromeda, showing a lot of pretty space and our hero with a cool walk. It looks pretty rad.
A new Netflix and Youtube app will be ready for the Pro to support 4k.
Every current PS4 will receive a patch new week for full HDR support.
The PlayStation 4 Pro will launch on November 10th and retail for $399.