E3 2014: LittleBigPlanet 3 looks every bit as adorable as you’d expect

It did not come as a huge surprise, but LittleBigPlanet 3 was announced last night and it looks a lot like LBP. This time around it’s Sumo Digital pulling the strings and not Media Molecule. LBP3 features three new original characters in addition to Sackboy. Each of them will have a unique skill set to traverse the silliness you encounter in your adventures.

LittleBigPlanet 3 is also backwards compatible, which means you can play all the community generated content from the previous games in this one. That’ll give you a pretty solid amount of content. The trailer showed a typical LBP platform level with some of the new features baked in – we saw nothing of the truly original content that surfaces in the wake of these games which I think is a missed opportunity to showcase what LBP is capable of in creative hands. It does however look just as sharp as you’d expect from a PS4 game.

The game will be out in November this year.



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