And what exactly are those modes and features, you ask? Well, let me tell you a story about Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner M∀RS
· There will be a Pro mode controller setup which allows you to swap between sub-weapons a whole lot faster
· If you’re new to the whole thing, or prefer the typical adventure mode which has gained popularity of the last couple of years, there will be a similar option here with the “Very easy” difficulty.
· Mini-map! Gotta have a mini-map
· Training mode, because exercise is good for you
And since the game is now fully playable in VR for the first time, there are some additional features packed in for the headset-strapped players:
· A 3D hangar which lets you interact it with Jehuty (the orbital frame which you pilot)
· A 3D model viewer which allows you to check out 3D models in full 360 degrees
· A cinematic theater that opens up after completing the game, in which you can check out all the cut-scenes in VR
That seems like a good chunk of extra stuff in addition to the remastered game. There will also be a demo prior to launch to showcase 4K and VR.
For more stuff, check out our game page.
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