25 000 000. That’s a large number. It’s also the approximate number of registered users that at some point played or is playing Destiny. Seems like a no-brainer to keep supporting the game then.
In the press release detailing Activision Blizzard’s 4th quarter results, they also mention a few interesting tidbits in regard to Destiny which might be of interest to players. Most of which comes as a surprise to about zero people, but let’s get it out there anyway. First and foremost, those 25 million? They’ve racked up 3 billion hours in playing time. Holy shit.
But perhaps more interesting, Destiny is getting a large expansion later this year which gives me an excuse to jump back in. It will also get a sequel sometime in 2017 so let’s be excited about that. Should we be excited? I don’t know, but let’s be because happy feelings are the best.
Will you dive head first into the second coming of Destiny?
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