PlayStation Mania has been a thing for several years now, and whether you knew us as Videogame Watchdogs back in 2007 or just started tracking trophies or keeping up to date with your favorite games in this very iteration, we’re sticking around humbly serving users and visitors. This has always been a labour of love next to our day-to-day lives and as such people have come and gone.
At the moment I’m mainly running this beast alone, which has the sad side-effect of some content getting neglected. There are just oh so many hours in a day, and thus I’m looking for people who would like to chip in voluntarily. I make no demands to the amount of content you produce, but I’m interested in your features, opinions, news, reviews and video captures. If you’d like to entertain our 104 000 Facebook users you’re welcome to that as well. I will provide review copies, editing, graphics and whatever else you might need to produce content.
You might have noticed the word “voluntarily” in the previous paragraph, so there is no pay here except the occasional free game as well as your content published. This could be your playground if video game journalism/blogging is something you’re eager to try, it can be a site you decide to commit to or it can be a platform to showcase your work. It’s up to you.
Contact me at if you’re interested and let me know what you want to help out with. If you have any previous work I can look at just add those links as well. I’ll be happy to answer any and all questions you might have.
My only real demand is a passion for gaming and preferably that you own one or more PlayStation systems since we’re, you know, a PlayStation site.
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