E3 Newsblurbs
Final Fantasy XIV is slated for late 2012 or early 2013.
Jack Tretton says in an interview about the PlayStation 4 that “We’ve never been first. We’ve never been cheapest”.
Dead Island Riptide Announced.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive comes out August 21st on PlayStation Network.
Angry Birds is coming to consoles.
PlayStation One Classics Coming to Vita. Will include Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VII, Wild Arms, Twisted Metal 2, Cool Boarders 2, Arc the Lad, Resident Evil Director’s Cut, Crash Bandicoot and JetMoto.
Quantic Dream’s upcoming game is called Beyond and will be shown at Sony’s press conference.
A poll on the official PlayStation Facebook page shows Nathan Drake and a Big Daddy for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
Insomniac Games will not be part of the Sony Press Conference this year, more news about Full Frontal Assault later this year.
‘Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation’ for the PlayStation Vita is featured in the July issue of Game Informer.
Namco Tales Studio announce Tales of Xillia 2 and Tales of Xillia 2 X Edition bundle with branded Dual Shock 3.
Warner Bros and TT Games announced LEGO The Lord of the Rings. It’s coming to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.
SCEA is holding a E3 cosplay contest for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Read about the rules here.
E3 Trailers